Next to the standard steel grades Sidergamma offers hard chrome plated bars in the micro-alloyed steel 38MnV6/38MnVS6 (1.1303).
38MnV6/38MnVS6 belongs to the category of special steels that, due to their chemical and structural composition, can also undergo heat treatment to ensure high performance resistance to external shocks and stresses.
'Gammaplus-S' and the hardened variant 'Gammaplus-SH' offer a valuable answer to the manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders during piston machining, thanks to the sulfur content from standard (S 0.020-0.060%) for 38MnVS6, or with controlled content (S max 0.035%) for 38MnV6.
Sulfur in fact imparts a pronounced brittle effect that facilitates chip breakage and detachment during lathe machining but at the same time maintains unchanged mechanical properties.
The main use of cylinders with 'Gammaplus-S' and 'Gammaplus-SH' pistons is in the excavation sector (building foundations, mines, tunnels and quarries), where the cylinders are subjected to high environmental stresses and their strength is crucial.
'Gammaplus' line categories (corrosion resistance 200H-300H-500H NSS R9) are available in the Ø 18f7 ÷ Ø 200f7 range.
Customized solutions are available upon request.
Consult us for an unbound quotation.
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