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  • +39.0445330214

Sidergamma selected among the 1000 best performer companies in the district of Vicenza.

Monday, November 15, 2021 Sidergamma s.r.l. was selected among the 1000 best performer companies in the district of Vicenza. ItalyPost has carried out a study in collaboration with Bureau van Dijk - a Moody's Analytics Company and published by the economic magazine VeneziePost, in which the Companies of Vicenza with the best performances in terms of turnover, over 5 Mio/€, and with an EBIDTA over 3.87% were analyzed. An ambitious goal, achieved by companies with a 'balanced-excellent' rating that highlighted their value, their solidity and constant growth.

To read the full article (only in Italian) click here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6866760730973106176/

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